Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mobile Advertising - Still in experimental stage? really?

I lately ran into a Forrester report claiming that the mobile advertising industry is still in experimental stage. While the technology exists and monetizing seems possible, the industry seems to pick up very slow relatively to the size of the opportunity.
What are the main factors that will drive the growth of this area?

  • Brand managers need to accept this channel - in a survey, 43% of advertisers said that the mobile channel is inappropriate to their brand and 33% claimed that they are lack of resources to go mobile. This actually means that 76% of the advertisers still learning this channel and are not on the innovative leading edge of their media channels. As we see in many other areas - it is harder to change people perception than come up with a new technology. Promised - all these brands will find a way to go mobile, who ever starts now will have a huge advantage.
  • Mobile users will gain confidence - users still not adapted to the mobile advertising channel. The use of location based advertising and other information that can be collected form the mobile device still seems like a huge privacy issue. However, many researches show that people do not really mind to share information, as long as they get something in return and trust the 3rd part to keep their information protected (after all - think of Google and the amount of info we all give them every single day). The mobile advertising industry will develop to a very targeted, location based advertising. Consumers will not only allow extended use of information, they will also enjoy interacting with their preferred brands over this new channel.
  • Standards - to make the advertisers life easier, few standards need to evolve with well-defined business models, monetizing options and metrics to define prices.
  • Devices and "look and feel" convergence - as devices become more and more transparent; users can actually browse the internet and consume content on their mobile. Already today, mobile devices allow a full range of rich media and monetizing options (see and their android/iPhone campaigns). As devices become even more sophisticated, advertising options will grow and advertisers will have more flexibility to choose campaigns that fit their brands.

Much more data on this interesting advertising channel can be found at The underlying message to advertisers - start to experiment now or you will find yourself struggling (or jobless) when this channel picks up.

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