Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mobile Marketing Grows Despite Bleak Economy

While global economic problems continue to mount, an area of growth remains for marketers. reports that opportunities will actually be expanding in many online channels. Mobile marketing is expected to grow a robust 75% this year, creating many new opportunities to reach consumers through their mobile devices. Mobile marketing’s original venue was the short message service (SMS) which allowed marketers to reach consumers via text messages to their phones. According to Wikipedia “The IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) and the Mobile Marketing Association, as well, have established guidelines and are evangelizing the use of the mobile channel for marketers.” Their efforts have kept mobile spam to a minimum and prevented any significant backlash from consumers who might feel the messages have become intrusive. As mobile devices become more capable media platforms the opportunities to market in creative ways expand significantly. I expect video ads sent to mobile devices will increase. The potential for new ways to reach consumers through their mobile devices must be tempered with a respect for their privacy and time. If these new ads are seen as intrusive or begin to clog devices like spam there will certainly be significant consumer reaction.

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