Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mobile Phones proving good for Hotel Booking Ad ROI

Like H&R Block, I am always enthusiastic about seeing traditional companies, such as retail stores, or in this case, hotels, taking an active approach in using mobile and new media platforms as additional, and maybe even more lucrative, avenues for reaching targeted audiences.  

In this article posted on, it becoming clear that travelers indeed like and in some cases need an application that simplifies and gives immediate access to hotel bookings relating to hotels in cities in which they may be in or are en-route to visiting.  Two hotel groups have mobile application that allow travelers to book hotels on the go and from an ROI perspective, success has been achieved.  The article mentions, "Omni Hotels' mobile site has grown 85% in the past six months, and Hilton's mobile channel has generated a 22% return on investment for the brand. Those kinds of numbers are bright spots in a tough time for hoteliers -- and they show that even in recession, companies are willing to invest in and experiment with new media when the ROI is clear."
It seems to me that mobile has provided a great avenue for what it literally does which is providing people on the go immediate access to things they need such as email, news, cellphone, etc.  Thus a service, such as hotel bookings for those who may be stranded in an airport due to weather, done easily through a mobile application is a great and economical way to reach a captive audience.

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