Sunday, June 06, 2010

Google is My Spel Check

In fourth grade I was in spelling group “red”, which was code for red is pretty much the only world you know how to spell. In fifth grade I was eliminated in the first round of the spelling bee on the word “business”, which I will forever think of as “bus-in-ess” after my demoralizing performance. In high school my most of my problems were solved with the creation of spell check in Microsoft Word and by college I completely stopped caring how words were spelled because Google always knew what I meant to write. In honor of my own shortcomings and the recent conclusion of the annual National Spelling Bee, here are the some of the most commonly misspelled words in Google searches:

“definitely,” which is often spelled “definately,” “definetly” or “definatly”
“stilettos,” which people spell “stilletos,” and “stillettos”
“mischievous,” spelled “mischevious” and “mischievious” and
“nauseous,” which comes out “nautious,” “nauseas” and “nausious.”

Google estimates 10% to 20% of all searches include a misspelling and according to Yahoo Web trend analysis, the most commonly misspelled word of 2010 is “Eyjafjallajokull”, the volcano in Iceland that has been ruining CBSers trips to Europe all summer.

relevant article: click here

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