Friday, July 06, 2012

Fan Reach & Engagement: Facebook Ad Metrics Under the Microscope

Facebook advertising could stand to gain some PR points by nurturing client relationships and by injecting measures that give a client’s Campaign Lifecycle more bang for the buck.  Recently, the iconic GM brand turned its back on Facebook after sinking over $10 million in the ad network, resulting in less than favorable conversion results. 

Innovation has always been key to the Facebook brand.  Marketers must be patient with the conversion models that Mark Zuckerburg and his team will roll out.  A recent survey, indicated that digital marketers are not entirely convinced that Facebook will deliver on the advertising front. 

Data analytics can prove the path to conversion.  However, Facebook might want to take some offline measures to correct and smooth over perceptions that recent negative “ripped from the headlines” PR might have had a hand in creating.

Click on the following links for more insight.  Enjoy (!)

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