Saturday, June 08, 2013

Google vs Visa......the showdown nobdy saw coming. Watch out Visa.

Google and Visa, aren't they the same? Both sell nothing and both want to touch every single one of your transactions.

Visa is an amazing company. They facilitate commerce all over the global everyday. You are an American traveler and want to buy wine in problem, catch a hockey game in Canada....they have you covered, rent a car in Brazil...yup, that too. Cash is dead and nobody exchanges money at the airport anymore. More importantly than simply connecting the world for business, Visa takes a percentage of every transaction. Genius.

Goolge is a different animal. Ask a question, any question, and Google will work to give you an accurate answer. The score to last nights game, how to get to a friends house, the weather for tomorrow. All these are fair game for Google. While impressive, helping people does not pay the bills. However, Google has been successful at monetizing search by understanding its users through their search habits. If you are looking for the closest J. Crew don't you think J. Crew wants to know that you are thinking about paying them a visit. Google can link J. Crew directly to perspective clients better than any advertiser. And once you have searched for J. Crew wouldn't it be nice if J. Crew could target you for their advertising. New season of clothes, sales, discounts.....all directed to you because you initiated a search for J. Crew on Google.Seems that everyone wins.

Unlike Visa, Google will not get a percentage of your J. Crew transaction. They will get J. Crew's top advertising dollars which is nice compensation. But if I'm Google I want more. If I make the connections why can't I take part in the transactions. I want that slice of the pie too. Also, Google trys to figure out what you buy and what you like by looking at your search habits (and now email)....and I bet they would love to see your actual spending habits.

Think about it, a Google card. Not only can Goolge now bring buyers and sellers together they can finance the transactions that they facilitate.

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