Monday, November 10, 2014

Dazzling Digital: 5 Tips to Writing an Effective Blog Post

Maintaining a consistent, impactful presence on digital channels is important for your personal brand. Blogging is one such tool/channel to get your pixelated voice out there. So how do you ensure that your internet voice adds value? Here are 5 tips to writing an effective blog post.

1. Know your Tone of Voice. Define how you would like to sound when you write in the digital ecosystem--and stick to it. Be true to your brand and you will be true to your personality and tone of voice. If you have someone writing blog posts on your behalf, make sure they have Tone of Voice guidelines.

2. Quality over quantity. Human attention spans are only getting shorter. While it's slightly depressing to think about, it is the reality. Write your first draft, and then edit it to make it shorter. Then edit it to cut it down some more. Keep it short and sweet, and powerful.

3. Curate content. Know your audience and post with them in mind.

4. Link, but don't just link. Links are important for search optimization as well as to add credibility and traction to/from your post. But don't just throw links on there. Make them meaningful and value-add. Embed them within a sentence, tag them as related references, etc.

5. Make lists. Lists with numbers in the headline of your post keep content organized and also tie back to point #2. Think about how you like to consume content and what catches your eye.

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