When researching fitness apps, I found an interesting article on TechCrunch about Fitness Apps. It seems that Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists provided a lot of money to fitness app startup companies. The graph below summarizes the total amount of dollars invested into fitness app startups from 2010 - 2014.
Fitness App Startup investments 2010 - 2014
Source: http://techcrunch.com/2014/11/10/venture-investors-get-moving-with-fitness-tech/
This trend is in my eyes logical. Fitness and Health had a big boast during the last couple of years and I feel people became more health concious. With the whole technology of smartphones advancing so fast, it seems obvious that many companies try to combine these two trends.
However, when I tried many of these apps I realized that most of them are a) for free and b) don't have any mobile app advertisements. Hence, I wonder if digital marketers have not yet jumped onto these apps or if the apps don't yet want to monetize their innovations.
I believe the next two or three years will show how many of these apps survive and how the apps will actually monetize, however, I believe that already now digital marketers should focus more on fitness apps and positions themselves well in this market.
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