My comments:
clickbate is done very well - it is the perfect way to get people to
your site - but it is a fine line. There is nothing more annoying than
clicking on a headline that is bogus! You immediately want to delete the
email or unsubscribe. However if its done in a clever way you can
really engage the customer and get them to keep returning to you site.
It's interesting how the article below points out focusing on the metrics - not
just if they clicked on the headline but then how long did they spend
on the website after and did the user then share. These are all
important things for brands to look at to help them optimize their clickbate headlines.
Since the advent of social media, publishers
have eagerly teased appealing, easy-to-digest links in order to get
consumers to view and share their content. You may know this practice as
clickbait, and it’s the siren song of the publishing world. And for
emerging brand publishers, figuring out how “clickbaity” to be presents a
huge challenge.
There are signs that a revolt against
clickbait may be coming. Earlier this fall, Facebook gave one of the
clearest definitions of clickbait in a post explaining how
they were cracking down on the practice: “‘Clickbait’ is when a
publisher posts a link with a headline that encourages people to click
to see more, without telling them much information about what they will
While Facebook isn’t going to read every
headline and penalize brands accordingly, they are going to penalize
links that fail to hold user attention, explaining: “If [users] click
through to a link and then come straight back to Facebook, it suggests
that they didn’t find something that they wanted.”
This is the kind of content that’s
counterproductive for brand publishers to post. After all, the objective
of brand publishing isn’t to get empty clicks—it’s to build
relationships with people. But how can brands strike the balance between
creating shareable, compelling content and manipulating readers for
A great start is by understanding the nature of clickbait and some of its consequences.
Why do we even click?
The clickbait technique is old hat. At its
core, it’s the combination of journalism content and catchy headline
copywriting, not unlike how the six o’clock news teases its upcoming
reports on fatalities, scares, and threats. The media is built on
emotions (hence the pre-Internet controversy over sensationalist newspapers), and the most effective companies figure out which ones trigger the greatest degree of reader engagement.
Granted, there are varying degrees in the
gradient of clickbait. Some publishers create high-quality content and
smartly package it with a compelling headline, while other publishers
succeed at leveraging the curiosity gap but don’t deliver on the promise they’ve made, leaving the reader disappointed.
The amount of content that fits the latter
category is growing. Today, the Internet largely rewards listicles and
snazzy headlines riding the coattails of recent news. Albeit short, catchy, and cute, the content is often an attempt to take advantage of your core emotions, like fear, guilt, love, pride, greed, and belonging. Clickbait is pretty easy to identify. As Vox’s acting managing editor, Nilay Patel, writes:
Upworthy’s now-infamous ‘You’ll never
guess what happened next’ headline construction is a one-question pop
quiz; a call for the reader to actually guess what happened next, and
then verify that guess by reading the article. It creates value because
there’s a chance you’ll be rewarded with the smug satisfaction of being
right. (And if even you’re not, you still get to share that question on
Facebook to trick your friends.)
For a deeper understanding of clickbait, The American Reader’s Michael Reid Roberts breaks down the grammar of Upworthy’s headlines:
The key element in these titles is the
relationship between the first sentence and the second. The first is
relatively traditional, while the second sentence is short, annoyingly
informal, and conspiratorial. We might call these couplets epodal because of the relative line lengths, but I think the effect is more similar to catalexis in
that the second line’s brevity emphasizes something unfinished or
incomplete. The second sentence is intentionally vague: click here to
finish the thought, answer the question, solve the riddle! And, like
most unfinished stories, the conclusion is rarely satisfying.
As Roberts writes, clickbait becomes
distasteful when it fails to deliver on the intensity of emotion that
the headline promises. “Most clickbait is disappointing because it’s a
promise of value that isn’t met—the payoff isn’t nearly as good as what
the reader imagines,” Patel said in an interview with Poynter.
“BuzzFeed headlines pay off particularly well because they actually
make fairly small promises and then over-deliver. It’s validating, which
is maybe the most valuable payoff of them all.”
Ultimately, the line between simply crafting
compelling headlines and resorting to clickbait can be murky. But if
brands care about delighting readers instead of disappointing them,
toeing that line is extremely important. And that’s why brands need to
pay attention to metrics like engaged time, average finish, and bounce
rate to determine whether they’re delivering on the promises they make
to their audience.
It’s also why brands overemphasizing vanity social metrics can be dangerous.
Reading ≠ Sharing
A large part of the appeal of clickbait is
that it’s designed to turn readers into a word-of-mouth marketing tool,
spreading content far and wide. While that’s great, shares can be
awfully misleading. Why? Because people don’t always read the content they share.
This spring,
Chartbeat studied tens of thousands of articles and found “no
relationship whatsoever between the amount a piece of content is shared
and the amount of attention an average reader will give that content.”
It’s an intriguing dynamic, and one that Betaworks’ John Borthwick explained in humorous fashion on Medium:

However, Chartbeat also found that if
websites “can hold a visitor’s attention for just three minutes, they
are twice as likely to return than if you only hold them for one

Why is this important? Because it tells us
that optimizing for sharing can be dangerous, as many people who share
your content might not be very likely to return. It can also lead you
down the path of creating content that’s only meant to be shared, not
read. As BuzzFeed founder and CEO Jonah Peretti said in an interview with financial journalist Felix Salmon:
I love metrics and I love thinking about
optimization, but I think that the optimal state is being slightly
suboptimal because as soon as you try to actually optimize, particularly
for a single metric, you end up finding that the best way to optimize
for that metric ends up perverting the metric and making the metric mean
the opposite of what it used to mean.
Closing thoughts
People will always want entertainment, but
brand publishers can—and should—choose to be less P. T. Barnum and more
Walt Disney. Brands that continue down the road of clickbait risk
becoming momentary distractions that fail to build high-quality
relationships with readers. By all means, write compelling headlines.
But also be sure that your content delivers.
Herbert Lui via
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