Tuesday, February 03, 2015

The Next Evolution in Search?

Interesting article about a new search engine developed in Finland called SciNet (ominously close to SkyNet) and it is run by a company called Etsimo.  What makes this search engine different is that it wants to learn more from the user and let the user guide the search (they call it user intent modeling) by using descriptive visual graphics.  It is a pretty interesting concept but it appears pretty far from being rolled out to people for everyday search use (the article states that this is more commercially / deep internet search focused).   
What I found to be most interesting about this article is that the company claims that Google just gives you pre-populated results that you need to sift through that are based on links and indexing.  This search engine tries to capture the user’s intent and learn from it with a visual “heat map” (my words, not the article) of how relevant terms / results are to what you  are looking for and suggest different terms / keywords that might help or be more relevant.  Personally, I know that I have a tough time with more obscure search requests (particularly when looking specific commands / functionality for Python) and in theory, this sounds like something that would help with that.  
Just given all we talked about in class about search, this seems to be a radical departure from what is currently on the market.  

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