Monday, November 02, 2020

Email and SMS Automation Prove Extremely Effective

 There is a lot of buzz these days about social media marketing, but often overlooked is the effectiveness of email and SMS marketing. These mediums deserve some attention as well, first because they are relatively inexpensive - especially if you can write your own content. That content is also more likely to be seen - about 5 times more likely than sponsored content on Facebook because people check their email many times a day. It will also be treated as more important, because in theory someone's inbox is a more personal space than a Facebook feed, and these leads are considered "warmer" than the "cold" audience you might find on social media.

In order to take the greatest advantage of the afore-mentioned effectiveness of email and SMS marketing, it is best to utilize automation to the greatest extent. If done right, it can convert into a significant top-line boost: in a study of "50,000 global brands sending more than 2 billion emails and 1.8 million SMS messages during Q2 of 2020, automated messaging resulted in 26 percent of sales while only constituting 2 percent of total messages sent." This suggests the automated messages were 17x more effective than regularly scheduled emails.

If looking for a relatively simple but crucially important way to boost the effectiveness of outreach, companies should look into email automation (MailChimp, Klaviyo, ActiveCampaign, HubSpot, Constant Contact, Sendinblue). 

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