Thursday, June 03, 2010

B2B Social Media Spend Set to Explode

While social media marketing has exploded in recent years, B2B companies are relatively inexperienced in exploiting opportunities in this area. According to a recently published eMarketer report, however, B2B spending in social media marketing is set to explode to upwards of $54M by 2014 (vs. $11M in 2009). The increase in investment isn't expected to flow towards banners and text ads that we, as consumers, are so familiar with. Rather, B2B companies will focus much of this new investment into activities that promote awareness and information-sharing regarding their products and services (i.e. via branded profiles and PR outreach).

A big unknown is how businesspeople will respond to this extension of B2B marketing. I, for one, believe this is a promising marketing channel for B2B; however, I don't see transition into this avenue of marketing to be seamless. With so little investment, currently, in this space, companies will need to establish new and innovative techniques for ensuring the effectiveness of their spend.

Relevant Article

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