Friday, June 04, 2010

Microsoft responds to Google

As Sergey pointed out in a recent post, Google has decided to stop using Windows operating system on its internal PCs. From now on, employees will be allowed to use Linux and Leopard OS. Google said that the choice was driven by security issues of Microsoft Windows.

As a consequence, Microsoft responded through a blog post highlighting the fact that security is the company huge priority. They claimed that they release security updates very frequently through Windows and Microsoft Updates and listed some of the features that make Windows a very safe OS. Moreover, they claimed that even hackers recognize that Microsoft has made great improvements on security (and put a lot of effort on it). As an evidence, they linked this blog post from a hacker..

I am not an expert of the field, but I think that Microsoft Windows is more vulnerable than other Operating Systems because it is the most diffused one... therefore it is more often under attack. I don't see a big security issue with Windows... This campaign could be a move from Google to enter the OS market in the future...

1 comment:

Jean Meyer said...

I guess that Google's employees don't need to use Crystal Ball or Premium Solver. Indeed, open office versions really sucks!