Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Carrie movie "prank": best in class digital marketing example

Today I came across an example of digital marketing that speaks to exactly what was discussed in class this week.  This video (link below) is for the upcoming new Carrie movie and it has gone viral with almost 9 million views.  So as we discussed, the movie promoters created good content that people would want to watch and want to share.  And it aligns perfectly with the nature of the movie thus reinforcing the "brand." It also leaves the viewer with a memorable experience that they can't help but remember, therefore the movie will be top of mind.

I think it is a subtle but effective technique to not label this video as something that will give it away.  When you watch it for the first time you don't know what it's about but rather you are simply captivated by the content.

This stunt is capturing media attention, thus fueling the ongoing promotion of the movie.  Articles by LA Times (http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/moviesnow/la-et-mn-carrie-prank-movie-video-20131008,0,2733754.story) and Business Insider (http://www.businessinsider.com/carrie-marketing-stunt-pranks-people-2013-10) and others are writing about this video which is the end goal with viral videos. Not only are videos spread grassroots from individual to individual, but once the national media picks them up, the exposure is priceless.


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