Sunday, November 10, 2013

Facebook Ads vs. Twitter Ads

With the Twitter IPO behind us, I thought it would be interesting to see how Twitter Ads stacks up against Facebook's. Much of the analysis comes from this article as well as commentary from, a forum for digital marketers.

The Power of Network

When it comes to reach, Facebook has the clear advantage. Facebook has 1.15 billion active users compared to Twitter's 232 million. This is probably a big reason why marketers allocate a much larger share of their social media spend to Facebook.

Engagement Rates

When it comes to engagement rates Twitter has the advantage clocking in 1-3% when compared to .119% CTR of FB ads.  However, when it comes to true value the only direct comparison we have to date is revenue per visitor. Facebook wins on this metric: $1.63 vs. $.82

What about mobile?

When it comes to mobile, I think Twitter has the advantage. Much of the user experience on mobile devices. Since tweets are promoted, they appear in the twitter stream, whereas Facebook mobile ads are off to the side and not a direct part of the user experience. Over time, Twitter expects to generate $1.5 billion in revenues in world wide mobile ad spend.

Tips for higher Twitter Ad engagement:

Noted growth hacker, Sean Ellis, lays out a few tips for a great twitter campaign, which I have included below:

1) Think of Twitter advertising as “seeding a tweet” rather than trying to buy reach. My goal is to have a tweet go viral about some great content that I’d like to go viral. Ultimately great content is the key to making it matter. 
2) Set a low daily budget (my budget is $30/day) and run for 7-10 days. If you have a high budget and it goes viral, you will need to pay for the clicks. 
3) Write the best tweet you possibly can (ideally something that you tested for free against your own twitter followers that already was retweeted a lot). 
4) Every day is a new opportunity for the Tweet to get traction and go viral. The tweet below didn’t take off until the 4th day. But it ultimately got a 7.9% engagement rate and continues to echo around Twitter. 
My tweet: Great article that explains how @Evernote grew to 75m users on a $0 marketing budget

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