Monday, April 10, 2006

Disney to Offer Some ABC Programs Free on the Web - New York Times

Disney to Offer Some ABC Programs Free on the Web - New York Times

It seems the cavalcade of video over the internet is continuing. Importantly, this batch of content is going to be advertiser supported, with very big names such as P&G already mentioned. Disney execs seem to feel this is important as part of the revenue model mix:

The move by Disney and ABC appears to reflect a conclusion by company executives that consumer are willing to pay for so much on-demand programming and may be willing to accept commercials to see programs thy want.

The question then becomes, what kind of revenues can they see from this advertising? Using an industry standard of $30/CPM might be tempting, but what if internet delivery allows them to know enough about the audience to charge higher rates? Knowing that you are reaching a coveted demographic could raise these CPM's tremendously.

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