Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Impact of Emerging Technologies: Web 2.0's Startup Fever - Technology Review

Insight onto the 'business model' of contextual advertising...

The Impact of Emerging Technologies: Web 2.0's Startup Fever - Technology Review: "These new companies have a few ways to subsist, typically advertising, charging extra for 'premium' services, and collecting affiliate fees for driving shoppers to sites like Amazon. But ask a Web 2.0 CEO about his company's business model, and he's as likely as not to say 'contextual advertising.' The advertising model, usually through Google's AdWords program, seems to be the most common gambit. It's the planned or existing main revenue source for dozens of Web 2.0 startups, such as new photo-sharing site Riya, which plans to display ads related to the subjects in its users' photographs. "

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