Thursday, April 20, 2006

The internet - the place where decisions are made

Nearly 60 million people claimed that the internet has helped them make major decisions in the past two years. Major decisions include college, home refinance, mail order brides. Joking about the last one! This figure has increased by 40% since 2002. The implications of this only reconfirms why all Big Business has been pushing all of its resource into the net over the past decade. We , as people, love instant gratification. The internet is obviously the only place where you can compare across the nation without leaving your own home. As societal synaptic connections and our minds become more similar to that of a 40 year ritalin addict, that which needs constant stimulation, we will continue to turn to the net because it provides the most comprehensive form of information and the most of it. Naturally looking through US News for the best graduate schools just doesn't cut it anymore....we need to read all their is

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