Monday, May 22, 2006

Asia and IPv6 - Next gen internet

Fast Forward: China's lead in tech - May. 19, 2006:
Good article on both what's interesting about IPv6 and why we're falling behind as a nation. Alarmist as it may be, there's also great opportunities for entreprenuers in this country to take advantage...

"Today's Internet addressing scheme, called IPv4, based on 1970s technology, will max out at about 4.3 billion Web site addresses. IPv6, by contrast, will be able to simultaneously manage a number of addresses equal to 34 followed by 27 zeros. That's a lot.
Patterson says if we just wanted to operate the net as we do today we could get by with the addresses we have. But IPv6 enables whole new ways to live and work, he argues. Because it can assign a unique Internet address to anything electronic, it can tie in sensors in our homes, vehicles, workplaces and even under our skin."

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