hey Good People-
Found this article on the impact of User Generated Content- Basically it is a monster ready to devour anything in it's path and it seems as though WE are the ones with the key to it's dungeon. The article overviews a report published by Pew Internet & American Life Project, entitled " Home Broadband Adoption 2006". It sites that 48 million American adults have contributed some form of user generated content on the internet. That totals to about 35% of Internet users. The article provides great demographic information on content creators ranging from age to income.... The findings basically support the fact that the broadband elite has definitely diversified. What does it all mean? To me, it's a double edged sword, it is great that everyone from Susie to Grandma can put their own piece of themselves on the net, but on the same hand, I do not want to go ciphering through everyone's personal stuff when I want to research something online. This may not be a valid concern, but convince me that there will be no internet traffic and then I'm game.
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