Monday, June 12, 2006

EBay Says: Hooray for Bloggers!

eBay is going to start allowing external websites, mainly bloggers, to post eBay ads on their sites. Keywords in the blogs will determine what the content of the ad actually is. Also, it plans on advertising live on auctions, via embedded code, on the same sites. They plan on paying the affiliates as much as 60% of the take.
I think this is a wise move by eBay, especially because of the contextual advertising. People read the blogs that have the subject matter that interests them the most. More than likely, the keywords that pop-up in the blogs will contain ideas and products that the blog reader will probably care about and/or want to purchase.
My only question is…does Yahoo! want to let this happen?

"...enterprising bloggers will fill up only as much white space as they must
in order to keep the lights on. If eBay pays them more, and more
reliably...Well, anything is possible."

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