So I found this interesting article about the future of battery power on handheld devices. As you know, technology is quickly converging in the handheld electronics market. The not-to-distant vision (in fact, it's pretty much already here) is that consumers can carry just one devices that does what they normally need several devices for (cell phone, PDA, iPod/Mp3 Player, etc.). The problem with doing this has been the lack of good battery life to support all those functions running on the same device.
The people in this article believe they have found a solution. They found that the backlight on a display takes up nearly 90% of the total battery power used by the display. And furthermore, that the display takes up 30% of the overall battery power.
One solution to the problem involves a complex set of mirrors in the phone that illuminates the ambient sun and room light. Another solution involves a process called "microwetting," where water and a oily dye are used to shift colors; some applications of this have been used in watches who's colors are designed to be changed with your outfit.
Nifty stuff! Sounds convenient if they can ever find a way to produce it in a large number of phones inexpensively.
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