Saturday, June 03, 2006

The New World of E-Commerce Software License Pricing

New, open-ended and usage-based licenses tied to business processes or metrics are beginning to replace named-user models at the enterprise level. This option proves to be popular with smaller businesses depending on the organizational structure of te particular business. Issues that lend themselves to improvements for licensing for enterprises are rigid license policies, complex metrics, and jigh maintenance costs. Named-user models are the traditional form, and are comparable to "all you can drink," to an improved model of "pay as you go." As far as pricing, enterprises are considering price by instance.

"When it comes to licensing options and pricing, Sterling Commerce's objective and modus operandi is to offer customers flexibility that reflects the "value drivers" of its customers. As our customers' business models differ, we will also adapt [our pricing methodologies] to meet these needs," explains Chris Johnson, VP, Global Product Line.

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