Monday, July 24, 2006

New JotSpot Software Aims to Make Wikis Less Nerdy

Well the software that allows users to edit websites is about to get more user-friendly itself. JotSpot has announced a release of software that proclaims to be the nexis of Microsoft Office and WiKi generation applications. It's supposed to bring Wikis into the mainstream and start a boom in Wiki-reliant websites.
I think this is really a great step forward for webdesigners and users alike. I will definitely be looking in to this may help me tremendously in setting up

"In Hawaiian, "wiki wiki" means "quick." Joe Kraus, co-founder and CEO of
JotSpot contends that the wiki metaphor has demonstrated its power through sites
Wikipedia, which
draws tens of millions unique users every month. And
eBay's recent decision to
embrace wikis further validates the concept for online businesses."

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