Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Heavy Internet users shouldn’t be considered anti-social

So apparently people that surf the Internet for hours upon hours on end aren't hermits at all. According to this article, they should be classified as 'differently social'. That's a relief. Also, the study says that these 'different' ones actually have real human friends, but the article says, they don't have to spend much time with them in-person to enjoy them. An interesting part of this article explains that these 'differently social' people tend to spend just as much time on the Internet as they do on the phone, and that they spend more time on the phone than even people that spend significantly less time on the Internet. These people must all live in caves on Staten Island or something, and they've got to be really pale from not going to interact with the real world.

"Overall, the findings indicate heavy users spend less time with friends and
family, doing paid work, doing domestic work, playing sports, going to movies,
sleeping, relaxing and even thinking."

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