Thursday, September 28, 2006

Granny Myspace too?

Very interested to see the Baby Blogging links. Truly wonder what all of us would be like had we had these ways to connect and communicate when we were younger. Maybe we'd all still be dating our first grade boyfriend/girlfriend. After seeing that there is no limit to how young we are starting to blog, I wondered how big the eldery blog community was.

Found this interesting blog about grandparents blogging and realized I that am sadly un-hip, as this class is the first time in my life I have ever blogged. So if Grandma Rose is doing it, I certainly should be too...

Check out one Granny's Gossip Site:

Interesting article about Granny Blogging:

Do Your Grandparents Blog?

MSN has an article on the growing trend of Internet blogging among seniors. According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, about 3% of seniors have created a blog, and 17% have a read a blog, but the number is growing. The main motivating factor seems to be the desire for seniors to keep in touch and stay connected with the world, as well as creating an activity with which to pass the time and stimulate the brain.

To me, the very ability of blogging to span across so many demographics and interest groups signals without a doubt that blogging is indeed a trend and not a fad. This, combined with blogging's ability to fullfill a very basic human need and desire -- that of communication -- signals it is here to stay.

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