Sunday, September 17, 2006

Web Site Hot List Member:

I found it quite surprising and in some ways entertaining that claimed the #3 spot in Adweek Magazine’s 2006 Website Hot List. Wedged in the list amidst the likes of You Tube, My Space and other interactive, social sites, in addition to media giants like Business Week, is able to boast a unique audience of 33+ million, bigger than that of You Tube. 10 years old and still growing and improving,’s success and popularity as a site is a testament to importance of distribution and ability to reach and attract an audience. While social networking and viewer engagement websites are undeniably hot, this provides a noteworthy counter example of capitalizing on something that could be seen as mundane (the weather) and turning it into a necessary information fix. has found and continues to develop new ways to conveniently and creatively get the info into the hands of its visitors and spread its reach.

Or maybe Americans are just obsessed with knowing the weather forecast, which let’s face it, is inaccurate half of the time anyway.

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