Saturday, October 07, 2006

Do-Gooder Video Games

There exists video games with messages and themes that benefit society, the environment, etc. (Some of these videos are politically charged as well.) They are free. They are popular. One game, Darfur is Dying, has had more than 700,000 unique visitors. The funding from these games have come from foundations. However, with no business model, corporations are not showing interest. Aside from the fact that these games can be very expensive to make and maintain and no revenue model, companies do not want to alienate viewers with what can be politically charged messages. Some companies, though, are finding ways to sponsor and monetize some of these video games.

Some thoughts:
  • If these video games are so popular and are a good way of reaching people, the department of education may step in. Maybe video games will find a place in the classroom next to traditional forms of teaching.
  • While these games are popular, are they effective? Do players of the games "buy into" or learn from the messages that they are intended to?
  • With the growth of technology, video games will become easier to make. With more content and the ability to reach people on the internet, we may see a new wave of these games. (And, we may see the flip: games with more destructive, powerful messages.)

Here's the link to an article discussing this.

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