Monday, October 09, 2006

Merger News: The Internet Acquires Television

This one is actually pretty cool. Akimbo is a 100% video-on-demand service that links into your broadband connection to download over 13,000 titles including feature length movies and episodes of programming from BBC, Food Network, Hallmark, Minor League Baseball and more. They player will be around $200 and service is about $10 a month (similar to a Tivo subscription)

The technology is very cool, but the content is very lame (maybe I just have bad taste). I guess this is what happens when the licenseholders of watchable content still has a vested interest in current television technology. That being said, it is a glimpse into the future of home entertainment. The Akimbo box also has SlingBox-like location shifting abilities so you can watch your favorite Minor League Baseball game while on the go! Kleiner Perkins, AT&T, and Cisco can't all be wrong.. can they? If only Netflix would figure out how to utilize this technology 'cause without it, you may as well short the company down to $0.00.

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