Tuesday, February 13, 2007

AP cuts News Deal with CGM site NowPublic.com

This is an interesting sign of the times...

The Associated Press and NowPublic.com said Friday they had agreed to a partnership to let AP to use photographs, video and news from "citizen journalists" in its newsgathering operation.

....The AP said that in the first phase of the partnership, news and photo editors on its national news desks in New York will have the option of using selected content from NowPublic.com to supplement the work of AP journalists.

By combining the editorial oversight of the AP editors with the vast network of newsgathering possible through 'citizen journalists", can the AP get the best of both worlds? It seems like a good model.... Althought I would be interested in seeing how everyone gets paid. The AP says that NowPublic.com members will be compensated and recieve credit. But of course, the exact details have not been disclosed. (To be fair, they may not have figured them out yet...)

More from the announcement.

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