Saturday, February 10, 2007

First, There Was the Wheelbarrow...

"Clean Up Aisle 7"..."Earl, we were never in Aisle 7. Honest." Yes, I am referencing the supermarket scene from one of the all time cinematic greats, Mr. Mom. The film, while it interests me on many levels, is of note in this post for what it tells us about the world of cart-based shopping--it can be overwhelming at times.

Fear not fellow consumers, MediaCart has arrived! MediaCart will play digital video promotions, connect shoppers to information about the whereabouts of the products they are trying to buy, and inform stores through RFID technology about what these shoppers are looking at and what they are buying. While the concept seems to be angering some, I am personally not offended...yet.

It is easy to imagine how linking this tiny screen to the Internet could open some very interesting marketing opportunities:
1) The electronic coupon. Load coupons from manufacturers sites onto your virtual Kroger Shopping Cart account. Arrive at the store, login to your cart...and watch the discounts add up.
2) Recipe Search (a la Fresh Direct). Load your favorite recipes onto your account. Login and shop from your ingredient list.
3) In Store Comparison Shopping. Login to a special section of your friend's account to see what she recommends for you.

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