Sunday, February 18, 2007

"In" is the new "Up"

NEW YORK ( -- Yahoo kicked off a new era in TV upfront history by inaugurating its own "infront" conference at a theater here last night. The message to classically trained TV media buyers: The age of digital media is here, and Yahoo is laying its claim on the dollars chasing 18- to 34-year-olds.....

"We're not here to trash television," she said. But, she noted, 17% of a consumer's time is spent online, and only 6% of ad dollars are spent there. While people always say it's not about the money, "that spread of 11 points ... that's very much about the money," she said. Moving dollars online, she said, is about "replacing hope with certainty. ... We're here today to gently coax new thinking as media plans are created."


My opinion: Brilliant.

Key Takeaway: The main complaints lodged by audience members seem to be related to the overuse of marketing jargon and the "underuse" of entertainment at the conference (see image of the incredibly dry mainstage above). The key takeaway: if you want companies to buy online ad "time," you better be very clear on what it's going to bring them. Razzle Dazzle 'em...

My Questions: Why does this seem to be so difficult to do? Isn't online advertising the most measurable form of advertising out there?

1 comment:

  1. this must be just the beginning as advertisers begin to allocate more and more dollars to online ads. possible trend towards more expensive online ads?


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