Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Wizzards of Buzz

Get to know the folks who consistently rank at the top of, reddit. com and other voting-type sites. To find the key influencers, The WSJ analyzed more than 25,000 submissions across six major sites. Most of these people get a real kick out of being ranked highly week after week and some of them offer tips on how to stay on top.

1 comment:

  1. The WSJ article was written for our class...I like the I've been using it a bit in the past. it's useful if you look for a category (job search manhattan) about which you don't know much, because the site directs you to what's popular. However, if you're already knowledgable about a topic, it don't see it as very helpful.
    generally, there is high number of people who recommend the first 4 links. Beyond that, there are tons of links that are only referred by one or two persons. its a kind of long tail...


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