Thursday, April 24, 2008


In what I consider a brilliant move ahead of other cellphone manufacturers, Finnish based Nokia is using the populist appeal of user generated content, the shift of social networking from the Web to cellphones and the pedigree of a famous film director, Spike Lee, to position its mobile devices as entertainment friendly.
The company has said that last year it surveyed 9000 consumers and concluded that 1 out of 4 consumers will create, edit or share entertainment with friends, instead of getting it from traditional outlets like television.

For this project with a theme on humanity, contributors will upload their materials (video, music, photos, text) created with their mobile devices to a Nokia website-- Mr. Lee and a group of assistant directors will revise the entries, choose and put the film together. There will also be a blog where he gives young filmmakers advice.
The film will be viewable online, but Nokia still has to negotiate what cellphone service carriers will distribute the film on its mobile devices.

Seriously, I just can't think how Mr. Lee will be able to manage with all the entries, producing the film and the blog(perhaps lots of assistant directors). Anyhow, I am interested in seeing the final outcome.

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