Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Immortality via Google?

As if it didn't already provide a ridiculous number of products and services, Google has yet another hot product -- immortality. Well, sort of. Mashable blogger, Stan Schroeder, wrote an interesting post today about his take on online immortality. While, with today's medical technology, every one of us must some day leave the physical world, each one of us could conceivably live forever on the internet.

Stan writes:
Think about it. Today, people, are writing blogs, commenting on other people’s blogs, sharing their feeds, conversing on forums, sharing photos on Flickr, sharing videos on YouTube, Facebooking, MySpacing, Digging, Redditing and Twittering. All this leaves a very tangible trail of data which is - unless private - quite easily obtainable.

So how does Google come into play in the grand scheme of things? Everything we do online is information, and Google stores this information and calls it back up when requested through a search request. From twittering, to Facebook shennanigans, to product reviews and even blog posts for a certain CBS class, everything is kept in some form just waiting to be seen -- whether you're alive or not.

While this does not guarantee instant immortality or fame, there are many things one can do to leave a bigger footprint on the net. For example, posting interesting pictures on Flickr, writing blogs that have high potential to get linked by others, and even throwing more sheep at your friends on Facebook will up your chances of immortality via Google. Just remember that while you may be a gracious, high-quality person in real life, the online you may indicate otherwise -- be careful of what you do on the internet. It could come back to bite you in the bum sooner AND later.

Sources: Mashable

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