Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Google TV ads

Google has recently shut down its operations to sell Radio and Print ads, however, it continues to try and make TV Ads successful. Google has partnered with SpotMixer to help advertisers without TV spots to make their won. Google seems to have made some progress with direct response ads, however, that's far short of the lofty goals it has. Google's intention was to serve ads to the same sponsors one would see on TV - Fortune 500 firms. Many advertisers have been pleased with the level of data & analytics offered by Google, however, there has been dissatisfaction with the level of uncertainty about whether or not their spot will ever air as Google uses an auction system.
Google at one time seemed invincible and the media lavished praise, now as this article demonstrates reporters are looking more closely and now focusing more on the what's not working than what is (they still make a fortune).

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