Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hulu Super Bowl Ad -- $$$ well spent?

We all heard so much about the cost of superbowl commercials, and the difficulty brand advertisers have in measuring the impact on sales of a a 3 million dollar 30 second spot. Well now we know that Hulu’s Super Bowl Ad Jacked Traffic 50%. It looks like Hulu’s monthly visitors had been steady at around 9M for the previous 3 months and then shot up and doubled in the month following the big game. This, despite Hulu recently pulling content from other major referral networks and devices, including CBS-owned and Boxee.

It’s interesting to see all this business going to Hulu, and it’s difficult to tell yet how many people are actually dumping their cable to watch TV on their PC or streaming through a device such as Boxee to their TV. But we do know that almost half of cable TV customers say they would pay $10 per month to watch video on their PCs. This shows why the big networks like Fox and NBC (who own Hulu) weren’t worried about spending to try to figure out the best business model… and apparently it’s working.

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