Monday, February 16, 2009

Is sponsored video advertising the future?

It seems now video is finally picking up momentum when it comes to online searching.  According to this article in Businessweek, video ads are 53 times more likely to show up on the first page of search results than text.  This will probably spawn a new wave of advertisement and marketing in the form of video and is the major focus for 2009.

The benefit of this will be hard to measure as stated in the article; there is no magic bullet for getting any advertisement to the top of a search page.  This in addition to the extra costs of creating video instead of simple text ads will make it hard to measure if it is really worth the additional investment and if the ROI really is higher.

The best way to ensure an ad is on the first page still seems to be a sponsored text ad.  I wonder though if Google will start sponsoring videos.  How far away is that?  Especially with the current hype around video may provide an opportunity for Google to increase revenue.  

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