The article below references a number of questions any aspiring entrepreneur should ask themeselves:
The article isn't at all specific to internet businesses, but my observation is that succeeding in a lot of internet businesses IS specific to possessing the specific skills of an entrepreneur.
Questions such as...
- are you willing to forego your lifestyle (pay, vacation) for several years?
- is your spouse or significant other onboard?
- what's your tolerance for losing a lot of money?
...aren't about working in the online space, but answering Yes to these questions is, for many people, as important to their success as the elements of the business plan of their internet start-up.
I think an interesting extension of thinking about this from a personal point of view is thinking about how eCommerce has been and continues to be shaped by people who DO fit this profile. As the industry matures, I think it will become attractive to broader spectrum of personality types - and I think it will benefit from this type of diversity. I think there are plenty of talented business people who could plan and implement the development of a revenue model for Twitter - and that that's part of the reason why they don't work for Twitter already.
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