Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What happens at TechCrunch... or -- when things go sour in a blog

TechCrunch is one of the leading if not the leader blog reporting on internet, innovation and tech issues with an emphasis on start ups, VCs and everything else that is of interest to the Bay Area people (oh yeah... and 2-3 people in NYC).

Posting on Tech Crunch is an essential step for any start up that needs to raise money and an invitation to the Tech Crunch 50 conference is almost a blank VC check.

However, in recent months, following a serious of embarrassing incidents, it seems that Tech Crunch is under a lot of pressure with some of the key people leaving the blog with Editors Michael Arrington and Erick Schonfeld announcing temporary or permanent leave. These changes, coupled with a serious deterioration in posts quality and few inappropriate posts threatens TechCrunch superiority in the space.

Allen Stern from the competing blog CenterNetworks publish a very interesting post today (link here) that touches on the risks that other blogs and companies bear and how cautious should people be before posting.

This is an important lesson for any company that uses the blogosphere:

  • be careful when posting - there is no way back once the button is pressed
  • be careful when collaborating with blogs and relating your brand with theirs

It seems that TechCrunch lost something on the way to the top -- maybe they just got to arrogant or maybe it is their competition that is trying to trash them.

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