210M Net Users
Of 60% are between 18-35 yr old
Of 57.2% are men
Of 35% are high educated
Most 3 application, search(72.4%), email(56.5%), IM(81.4%)
Of 22.1% have online shopping experience
Then, as professor said that in China the most popular used Search Engine is Baidu.com, and according to my own it is experience thousands of top-searched articles and most-used websites in Chinese that attract me to reuse it again and again.
However, facing with strong competitors Baidu current developed a new search advertising model named BrandLink.
BrandLink area, which is laced at the top of Baidu's web search results, is an information dissemination platform customized for famous brands. This innovative search model combines various display methods, including words, pictures and videos. The BrandLink advertisement area is separated from the common search results by a horizontal line with picture advertisements on the right side of the page, providing a space for the display of products.
As a proper supplementation to Baidu's bidding rank system, the BrandLink model may gain more brand advertisers for Baidu. The company says that so far, many major brands such as Lenovo, Dell, Samsung, Mercedes-Benz and Audi have started their BrandLink marketing on Baidu.
Source: CNNIC, Dec. 31, 2007
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