Monday, May 18, 2009

Joint News site improve Journalism in Japan?

A joint Web site will be launched by the nation's three major newspaper publishers — Nikkei Inc., The Asahi Shimbun Co. and The Yomiuri Shimbun Holdings — that will allow viewers to compare the content of their news.
By accessing the new Web site, users will be able to compare front page news, general news and editorials of the three newspapers free of charge.
Japan is one of the few developed nations to have seen only a slight drop in newspaper circulation over the past decade, a trend often attributed to home delivery and loyal readership. But newspaper publishers are concerned that subscriptions will drop further as many readers now use the Internet to get news.
Each newspapers don't hope to have many page views, rather they expect that many users will stay for a longer period of time, allowing them more opportunities to look at ads.

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