Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Missed Revolution!

I do not use Twitter, I do not tweet, I do not want to tweet. I feel like a dieing breed, but I'm not so sure. I am not anti technology, or even anti social media, I do have a Facebook account and occasionally update my status and like it. But for some reason I just have not jumped on tweet crazed bandwagon.

Is it that I am already too old? I'm 31. Does that put me out of the demographic?
Who exactly is the demographic? I'm sitting at a table of three 31 year olds and one 22 year old. None of us tweet. I know this is a pathetic sample size, but I wonder if just as rapidly as this twitter crazy developed can it or will it die out too?

Pet Peeve...
Well over 45 year old congressmen and women, newscaster, and other "celebrities" raving about their tech savvyness as evident by the amount of time they spend tweeting and asking people to follow their tweets. I'm jaded, I know. It just feels contrived, as if they just read some self help book like "How to look cool to young people 101".

Silver Lining...
Ordinary people who tweet about relevant current news events and natural disasters.

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