Monday, June 01, 2009

Solution to "The Music Biz and the Internet"

The following idea is in response to Doug's posting about "The Music Biz and the Internet."

I have to say I am definitely with Doug when it comes to content ownership and avoiding "the gatekeeper." Maybe it is time for record labels to explore a model similar to what Amazon is doing with print content via their Kindle content delivery mechanism.

Let me describe what I mean by using an example. You browse a content library using the Kindle and purchase an e-book (discounted of course because you're saving the publisher distribution and printing costs). Now you can access that book through the Kindle e-book device itself or through other Kindle-enabled devices such as your iPhone or PC.

Applying a similar model for music content, you would be able to purchase an album and be able to listen to it on your PC, iPod, cell phone, or any other device tied into the music library "cloud." I for one would definitely pay $10 for music content accessible on all the devices I own now and may purchase in the future.

Taking this one step further, why not do this with video or photo content too?

There you have it, "cloud" storage for your all your media.

1 comment:

  1. I like this idea, but it isn't it awfully similar to what Apple is doing (i.e. purchase music on your iPhone or iPod Touch and you can listen to that music on any of your other devices)?


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