Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Google Buzz, the Twitter Killer?

So Google launched its new Buzz application this week on a large population of its Gmail accounts (at least I've got it on mine now). I checked it out briefly, and, for all intents and purposes, I've got to say it's pretty easy to use. At its core, you can post pictures, text, videos, etc. in a feed that will get pushed to friends who follow you, and vice-versa. Functionally speaking, it seems like it's pretty much exactly like Twitter. But only better.

Its core features may be roughly identical to Twitter, but with Google's full network of applications and platforms supporting Buzz, I just can't see it not eventually replacing the blue bird. Even right now, Buzz is pretty seamlessly integrated into Gmail, which makes accessing and updating it infinitely more easy since I can do it while checking my normal email. With Picasa, YouTube, and other such Google properties being opened to Buzz, it seems only natural that it will offer a more robust feature set than Twitter can possibly do.

Here's an interesting article from PC World, which frames the debate on how impactful Buzz may actually be to the entire social media world.

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