Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hulu - free or for fee?

Will users continue to use Hulu if it decides to charge a fee? Recent article from La Times says that the internet video site is trying to figure out if they should charge for popular shows such as episodes of "30 Rock," "Modern Family" and "House.

If Hulu does do this, I am not sure it will be able to maintain its recent spot of number 2 most watched online video site. If users like me who have cable television but use Hulu to catch up on missed tv shows or browse when bored, will not want to pay for videos online. If they are getting these videos for free today, it will really make them not want to pay more for these videos.

Another reason this will make it harder for Hulu is that a lot of the shows that on Hulu are also on ABC, Fox and NBC's home sites. All in all - Hulu should definitely figure out if it will really be worth it to charge people to use their services!

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