Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Our Privacy or Business as Usual

Continuing with my new found fascination with the lack of privacy we have as consumers on the web, I found this article (linked below) from BrandWeek entitled "Pitching Self Regulation." It delves a little deeper into the conversation regarding consumer right to privacy on the 'net' and the possibility of the government stepping in to regulate the dissemination of user information.

Essentially the IAB (or the Interactive Advertising Bureau), has effectively fought to keep politicians from making the internet the next stop for the 'regulation train.' Additionally, It seems that legislators aren't so keen on limiting the potential for profitability of net businesses for fear that it may adversely effect the already hurting economy.

So it seems that consumer privacy takes a back seat to business as usual, all in the name of protecting the 'market.' That seems a bit silly to me. Although you have to hand it to digital companies, such as Google and Facebook who have decided to pre-empt regulation by creating standards & practices of their own to protect users.

As previously noted, I'm all about making the internet a more efficient and relevant environment by using some personal data to create a more unique and personalized experience. However, I think there is a fine line between using general age/location/gender data versus specific behavioral information (e.g. sites I've visited, searches I've entered, etc.) as a means of engaging me as a consumer. It seems only time will tell what will happen with internet privacy concerns.

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