Sunday, May 23, 2010

Reality - Coming to an iPhone near you

You may or may not have heard of the next big wave to hit consumer products/marketing/gaming or just about every part of our lives - Augmented Reality (AR).

AR is basically the use of advanced technology to present digitized content & information projected into the real world or some representation of it. You can then interact with the digitized information in real time. This article details some of the applications and expectations of this new phenomenon. Brands such as Adidas and Nissan have already started using this as a marketing tool and the possibilities seem endless as experts expect to one day (very soon) for us to walk down the street seeing localized information about the buildings, people, companies and opportunities all around us projected onto special AR eyewear.

Something else interesting is that AR was at least partially pioneered right here at Columbia, with Professor Steven Feiner of the Department of Computer Science being a noted leader.

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