Friday, May 14, 2010

Stating the obvious!

As a kid, you are often bombarded by cheesy, and sometimes obsessively preachy, anecdotes of knowledge, more commonly known as 'words of wisdom', and also referred to as, the ever simple and eloquent, 'sayings' / 'quotes'.

Of the little that I remember from my childhood classroom experiences, partly due to my inane ability to instantaneously enter into 'day dream world' on command, I however and surprisingly, remember this one saying:

"It's the journey that's important, Not the getting there!"

Now, John Mcleod, an inspirational poet by any means, didn't really know what the internet was. And neither did he know that slow and inept web browsers would be one of the most important reasons for frustration, broken laptop screens, and flared tempers. I mean, us rational individuals (also known as human being, for those who had any doubt about what we might have / would have / should have become) simply cannot wait for certain things! Contrastingly, for the most simple of reasons, we would wait until the end of the world as we speak!

I shall illustrate!

We are willing to stand in queue for 3 days (and I'm pretty sure that I'm underplaying this number) to be the absolutely first person to enter the cinema for the new Star Wars movie. Forget the rain and snow should the movie be released in the winter.

We are willing to stand for 2 hours in a line to enter a club (which we spend a total of 10 mins in because its already 3:50am when we are finally allowed in) but are unwilling to wait 1/100th of a teeny weeny second to allow a web page to load!The latter is exactly what new browsers such as Google Chrome and Firefox claiming you will be able to do! Faster browsing. Hmmm.

This awareness of other browsers is one of several reasons IE's decrease in market share, which now is a paltry 59.9% as compared to 95% at its peak. Obviously, enhanced security features and quicker browsing, not to mention that people 'love to hate' Microsoft, especially in Europe where the company has taken a lot of criticism for especially Internet Explorer and how its bundled with their operating system, has played a major role in this market share reduction as well.

Have a look at the article.

But use Chrome or Firefox. After all, we all need the 0.001 extra second for other things, more important things such as sleep!

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