Monday, June 07, 2010

Can I believe it?

As I was screwed up with all those heavy school work, I found something interesting on my friends' facebook--a make-up tutorial video by Michelle Phan. It is amazing how you can change you look within half an hour...

As I was screwed up with all those heavy school work, I found something interesting on my friends' facebook--a make-up tutorial video by Michelle Phan. It is amazing how you can change you look within half an hour...

(Finished look for Lady Gaga Bad Romance Look by Michelle Phan)

Michelle Phan is a Vietnamese American, noted for producing beauty tutorials on Youtube. As of early this year, Phan became the most subscribed YouTube Guru of all time, placing her first amongst all beauty vloggers on Youtube. As of February 2010, she has produced 98 videos that have been viewed over 150,000,000 times times!!! Except of youtube, Phan is also known by the screenname "RiceBunny" which she has used on the social networking site Xanga since 2004 and currently on microblogging service Twitter.
You may check out her vidoes using the link below:

Ok, my focus here is not to promote her or just share this fantasic findings with my female classmates. I have a very basic question on this while enjoying it. Are these video made solely for interest, at least initially, or it was sponsored by some brands at the very beginning? It sounds a bit mean I know, but that's truly what I'm thinking of. While ads and marketing is rampant around us, it seems everything is made for commercial purpose, which sometimes make me feel psychologically bad. It's always good to see things grow naturally, say from interest to making a big money out of interest, but not always vice versa. If one day someone discovers that these videos are artificially made or actually sponsored by some big names, I 100% trust that many of those who previously like these, will start writing bad things online. That is how internet make people less trusty into others...

1 comment:

  1. I like her tutorials! She has her skincare line that she features in some of the videos. And she recently started to work for Lancome to do tutorials with their products. I don't think she gets sponsored for the other products in her videos though.


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